We have Roses, Lilies, Gerbias, Hydrangeas, Spring Flowers, Suculents, Blooming Plants, Bonsais and more!
Hours: Mon & Tues 9:00 to 5:00, Wed 9:00 to 3:00, Thru & Fri 9:00 to 5:00, Sat 9:00 to 4:00, Sun 9:00 to 3:00
Floral Designs for all Occasions
The Garden Shop
Weddings and Celebrations
Exceptional service is offered by our owner, Elizabeth to create gorgeous floral arrangements specially for you and your occasion, be it a celebration, wedding, just because, sympathy, holiday decor and more.
The Garden Shop has Orchids, Bonsais, Succulents, Plant Baskets, and a variety of indoor plants and tropicals.
Balloons, teddy bears, cards, chocolates, angels, landterns, wind chimes, comfort blankets and small statuary can be included.
Corporate accounts welcome. Founded in 1985, The Botanical Emporium Florist & Greenhouse provides personal attention to all its customers and serves them with elegance and distinction.
The Botanical Emporium
(412) 563-7008
1686 McFaraland Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15216
FTD Master Florist
Premier Florist & Greenhouse serving Pittsburgh since 1985